Hapkido seminar in England

Hapkido seminar in England


Deux jours de Hapkido à ne pas manquer sous la direction de Me LEE Kang Jong en Angleterre, à Sheffield.

Lieu :
Lomas Hall. Church St. Stannington.
Sheffield. South Yorkshire. S6 6DB

Contact :
07960470937 - hapkimudo@gmail.com

Tarifs :
Juniors : £5.00 par stage
Seniors : £20.00 par stage ou £30.00 pour les 2 jours

Quelques mots de présentation par l'organisateur de ce week end dédié au Hapkido, M. Nick MASKREY :

"This is an open invitation to all martial artists regardless of style or rank, to participate in a weekend of martial art and self defence technique.
The seminars will be conducted by Grand Master Lee, Kang Jong 8th Dan Hapkido and Chief Instructor of the World Hapkimudo Federation.
Assisted by Mr. Eric Le Cam, Chief Instructor of Paris Hapkido club.
Hosted by Mr. Nick Maskrey, Chief Instructor of the Red Dragon Hapkido Club.
Sponsored by the British Hapkimudo Academy.
Come with an open mind and a thirst for knowledge !"